In our last blog, How to Use the 70/20/10 Model to Develop Careers, we discussed the “what”, “when” and “how” of using the 70/20/10 Adult Learning Model for employee development. Now let’s discuss the “why”. Managers face daily decisions to ensure their team gets what’s needed for success. But with budgets getting smaller, it’s hard […]
Eight Ways to Improve People Processes in Your Organization
People are a critical part of every organization’s balance sheet. Investments related to acquiring, retaining, developing, and inspiring employees are critical to your organization’s success, requiring a thoughtful strategy to build and maintain a productive workforce. CHCI’s talent life cycle, called PRIDALRM, refers to the interrelated strategies that support the most important assets of an […]
How to Use the 70/20/10 Model to Develop Careers
Did you know there is a tool to develop your skills and competencies that costs little to no money? It’s called the 70/20/10 Adult Learning Model (pronounced – seventy, twenty, ten). Before we explain how the 70/20/10 model can help you develop career goals, let’s look at three types of learning strategies: pedagogy, andragogy and […]
Why are employees leaving your organization?
In our daily lives, we use personal biases, intuitions, and gut feelings to make our decisions. And that’s perfectly fine. They serve us well in many ways. However, when it comes to improving work performances, personal biases, intuitions, and gut feelings just don’t cut it. Data can improve your own, your team’s, and your organization’s […]
Optimize Employee Development with a Competency Framework
Employee development is a strategic tool for an organization’s continuing growth, productivity, and ability to retain valuable employees. Using a meaningful competency framework when developing employees will focus employees’ behavior on things that matter most to an organization and help drive success. This competency framework can provide a common way to harmonize, select, and develop […]
How to Get a Federal Job: Three Actionable Tips
When you think about the federal hiring process, you may wonder: What is the federal hiring process for a new job? Or a better one, if I already have a federal job? How long does it take to get a federal job? Why is the same federal job posted in so many ways? To answer […]
Effective Coaching Part 2: Moving Into Action
In our previous post, we introduced what we find to be an extremely effective coaching model—W.I. N. B.I.G. It involves six steps, three to build awareness, and three to move the coachee to action. To read in detail about building awareness, including applicable examples, check out part-one of our series on the W.I.N. B.I.G. formula. Today […]
Mastering The Language Of Leadership
When it comes to leadership, language is one of the most valuable tools you can use to empower people. Something as simple as taking a closer look at the words you use can make a drastic difference in your ability to increase employee engagement and performance. Many companies offer best employee engagement programs for this. […]
The W.I.N. B.I.G. Coaching Formula
Asking powerful questions is a necessity for a successful coaching conversation. However, asking someone a bunch of random questions does not necessarily mean that you are coaching them. A coaching conversation has three distinct components: Determining whether or not the situation requires coaching by using the Success Equation. Asking questions to create a dialogue that […]
Three Coaching Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Anahita committed to coaching her employees two months ago and is already seeing positive results. Unfortunately, she’s struggling with one of her employees, Mathias. Despite her coaching, his engagement is still low, his productivity hasn’t improved, and his relationships with team members is lacking. Is she doing something wrong, or is he resistant to coaching? […]