Based on A Manager’s Guide to Coaching: Simple and Effective Ways to Get the Best From Your People by Anne Loehr and Brian Emerson.
Leaders, supervisors, and managers who understand the basics of coaching provide a valuable advantage when developing teams and maximizing individual performance. Managers aren’t just supervising tasks; they’re actively developing, encouraging, and empowering their employees to excel, boost morale, and foster a high-performance work culture.
Yet how can busy managers learn how to coach their team? CHCI’s Coaching to WIN BIG program provides tailored training that ensures managers, supervisors and leaders learn how to coach in a tangible, practical, interactive and phased approach.
Being an effective coach is not just a matter of giving advice or developing a professional relationship – there are several specific tools and strategies in effectively coaching teams and individuals. Our program specifically teaches these tools and strategies, leading to overall peak performance.
- For many industries, the greatest remaining area of competition between organizations are the employees they have working for them. Strategic Human Capital Management helps maximize the value of a workforce while maximizing the cost of managing them.